Invited Speakers | 特邀专家


Assoc. Prof. Jiaxin Cai

Xiamen University of Technology, China


Jiaxin Cai received his Ph.D. degree in Information and Computation Science from Sun Yat-Sen University in 2014. He also received his M.S. degree and B.Sc. degree in Bio-medical Engineering from Southern Medical University in 2011 and 2008 respectively. Currently, he is an associate professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at Xiamen University of Technology. He has authored over 36 peer-reviewed papers at academic journals and conferences. His current research interests include machine learning, computer vision and bio-medical engineering.



 Électrique Informatique et AutomatiqueLa Rochelle, France


Souad BEZZAOUCHA REBAÏ graduated from Ecole Nationale Polytechnique, Algeria, where she received an Engineer Diploma in Automation Control (Valedictorian with highest class) and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in 2005 and 2007, respectively.
She received a Master degree in Computer Science Engineering from Ecole Polytechnique, France in 2010 (Excellence Scholarships from the Foundation of Ecole Polytechnique) and spent one year from 2007 to 2008 as a research student at the Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan (Japanese Government- Monbukagakusho Scholarship). She received her PhD from Université de Lorraine, France, in 2013. From January 2014 to May 2015 she was a postdoctoral fellow and lecturer at Laboratoire de l’Intégration du Matériau au Système (IMS), Bordeaux, France and Bordeaux Polytechnic National Institute (INP) Enseirb-MatMeca. From June 2015 to May 2020 she was a Research Associate at the Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg, where she worked on various robotic and cyber-security projects. Since March 2021 she was appointed as Associate Professor at EIGSI-La Rochelle and she is attached to the MIA laboratory- La Rochelle University as associate researcher since Jan 2023. Her research interests are in robust control theory, observers design, nonlinear Systems, robotics and cyber security.


Prof. Mehmet Emir Koksal

 Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey


Mehmet Emir Koksal is a Professor of Mathematics at the Ondokuz Mayis University. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Gebze Institute of Technology, Turkey in 2009. After receiving his Ph.D., he studied as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne between 2009 and 2010. In 2014, he passed the exam held by The Presidency of the Inter-University Council of Turkey and received the title of Associate Professor in Mathematics. He was a Visiting Professor at the Chair Mathematics of Systems Theory in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Twente from 2022 to 2023. In 2023, he also became associate professor of electrical and electronics engineering and in Turkey, he is the first scientist who has become an associate professor of electrical and electronics engineering whilst being a mathematics professor.
His research interests are in systems and control theory, circuit and system theory, differential equations, and numerical analysis. The main focus is on the development and analysis of commutativity conditions of time-varying systems, feedback systems, decomposition and transitivity properties of commutativity, and applications of commutativity in physical systems using differential and difference equations. He also studies ordinary and partial differential equations, their numerical solution methods, and mathematical modeling and analysis of various engineering problems using differential equations. He has published many research papers in eligible international journals, and he has many proceedings presented at famous international conferences. He reviewed over 200 manuscripts for 60 different international peer-reviewed journals and 40 different international conferences. His research has been mainly supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. In this field, he has led two national projects, one of which was awarded a project performance award. He has been a keynote speaker, invited speaker and a member of the organizing and scientific committees of many well-known international conferences.


Assoc. Prof. Jian Chen

 Central South University, China


CHEN, Jian is an associate professor at Central South University, a senior member of the China Mechanical Engineering Society, and an expert of the Hunan Provincial Technical Committee on Information Technology Standardization. His main research areas include machine learning prediction, cooperative control of intelligent unmanned swarm systems, and coupled modelling of fluid-particle multiphase flows.
He has led a total of three projects, including NSFC, Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, and an open fund from a national key laboratory. Dr. Chen has also completed one industrial project. He has participated in many national and provincial key R&D Programs. He has published more than 20 SCI papers and 7 of them are top journals. He serves as a member of the editorial board for Frontiers in Energy Research, an SCI journal with an impact factor of 3.4. Additionally, he acts as a reviewer for prestigious journals like Separation and Purification (a top journal) and the Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. He also holds an honorary position at Newcastle University.


Assoc. Prof. Zhiyu Jiang

Northwestern Polytechnical University, China


Zhiyu Jiang is Associate Professor with the Northwestern Polytechnical University. Previously he received the Ph.D degree in Signal and Information Processing from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. China.
He focuses on computer vision and remote sensing. More than 15 papers have been accepted/published on IEEE Trans. and other top conferences. He has won the IEEE best student paper award in 2014. He served as Guest Editor, reviewers of 20+ International Journals and Transactions, such as IEEE T-CYB/IEEE T-GRS. He also served as Program Co-Chair, Steering Committee, Track Chair, TPC Member of International Conference for 50+ times.


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