Registration | 注册详情

Registration is compulsory to attend ICCCV 2025. The registration of Presentation & Publication and presenter only are based on the fact that your full papers or abstracts are accepted by the conference after review.

For Delegates who are interested in attending ICCCV 2025 with no publication and presentation, please register directly via Online Registration System, the conference secretary at will contact you after receiving your registration.


If you need conference notification, please download here.


Early Birds
(Before February 15th, 2025)

Regular Registration
(After February 15th, 2025)

Presentation & Publication

550 USD / 3850 RMB

580 USD / 4050 RMB

Presentation & Publication

450 USD/3150 RMB 480 USD/3350 RMB

Presentation & Publication

500 USD / 3500 RMB

530 USD / 3700 RMB

Presentation Only

400 USD / 2800 RMB

430 USD / 3000 RMB


270 USD / 1900 RMB

300 USD / 2100 RMB

One Day Visit

50 USD / 350 RMB

70 USD / 490 RMB

Additional Paper

300 USD / 2100 RMB / Per One

300 USD / 2100 RMB / Per One

Additional Page

30 USD / 200 RMB / Page


Presentation & Publication

Presentation Only


Attending all technical sessions

Paper publication


15 minutes presentation


Conference proceedings (electronic copy)

Conference materials
(program book, name tag, certificate, souvenirs)

Coffee breaks, lunch, dinner on March 29, 2025

***** If you register for full paper, please pay attention that open access is essential for ACM publishing house.

The details can be seen on the ACM website ( )

If you are the corresponding author of a paper in a conference that is to be published in ICPS, please follow these steps to determine whether you will be required to pay an APC.

1. Check to see if your institution is a member of the ACM Open program by reviewing the list of participating institutions.

2. Check to see if the country in which your institution is located is on this list of countries covered by ACM’s agreements with EIFL and Research4Life and/or classified by the World Bank as low-income countries.

3. Check to see if the country in which your institution is located is on this list of countries classified by the World Bank as lower middle income countries.

4. Are you or at least one of your coauthors an ACM member? Please visit this page and log in to MyACM to check your membership status. If you would like to apply for ACM membership, you may do so here.

5. Once you have determined your status based on steps 1-4, please see below for the applicable APC, if any.

  • If your institution is a member of the ACM Open program (step 1), your paper will be published at no charge. You will not be required to pay an APC.
  • If your institution is located in one of the countries referenced in step 2, your paper will be published at no charge. You will not be required to pay an APC.
  • If you are affiliated with an institution in a lower-middle-income country (step 3) and you or at least one of your coauthors is an ACM member (step 4), you will be required to pay an APC of $350 per paper.
  • If you are affiliated with an institution in a lower-middle-income country (step 3) but neither you nor any of your coauthors is an ACM member (step 4), you will be required to pay an APC of $500 per paper.
  • If you are not affiliated with an institution in one of the countries listed in steps 2 and 3 but you or at least one of your coauthors is an ACM member, you will be required to pay an APC of $700 per paper.
  • If none of the above applies to you, you will be required to pay an APC of $1,000 per paper.

Payment Methods | 付款方法

1. Online Payment (No service charge)

2. Bank Transfer (30 USD Service Charge)
3. PayPal (30 USD Service Charge)

* You could get our bank information and PayPal account from the conference secretary (

Registration Regulations | 注册规定

1. Student discount is only available if the first author of the paper is a student. And please provide valid student proof.
2. If the length of the full paper exceeds 14 pages, the cost of each extra page is 30 USD / 200 RMB / page.
3. Each paid registration covers only one paper; Additional paper price is only applicable to the same first author who already has a regular registration.
4. Onsite registration is applicable to presentation only and Delegates. If you would like to register onsite, you are required to give us a notice before March 1st, 2025 for preparing you materials.

Refund Policy | 退款政策

Cancellation of paid registration is possible under the terms listed below:

* 20 days ahead of the conference: 30 USD cancellation fee.
* 10-20 days ahead of the conference: cancellation fee of 20% of the registration fee.
* Within 10 days ahead of the conference: no refund.
* Non-refund on delay or force majeure events including, without limitation, natural disasters, fires, earthquake or storm, strikes, failures of public utilities or common carriers, acts of war, or intervention, acts restraints or regulations of any governmental authority, including compliance with any order of any governmental considerations.

Note: Cancellation and refund request must be made formally by email to conference secretary at

Warm Tips | 温馨提示

* The participants are required to enter and exit the conference areas wearing the name tag, and not to lend the name tag to others. Non-participants are not allowed to enter the conference areas without permission.

* Please keep all your belongings (laptop, mobile phone, etc.) with you in the public. The conference organizer is not responsible for loss or damage of property.

Organizer Statement | 主办方声明

The organizer reserves the right to change the conference date and venue due to force majeure events. Authors are obliged to observe and cooperate with the organizer's decision.

Copyright © The 7th International Conference on Control and Computer Vision (ICCCV 2025)